Results: 12 Articles found.
  • wildcat_2_picture

    Apparent Wilcox Wildcat Scheduled by Welder in McMullen County

    Seventeen miles southwest of Tilden, Texas, a wildcat has been permitted by San Antonio-based Welder Exploration & Production Inc in the western portion of McMullen County (RRC Dist. 1). Plans call for the 1 Briscoe (API 42-311-34125) to be drilled to a total depth of 6000 ft. Located less than a mile east of the La Salle County line, it is apparently targeting the Wilcox on a 483-acre lease in section 43, BS&F survey, A-581. Energy News on Demand Download Document

  • Crude Awakening: Smaller Firms Left Out of Rush to Drill amid Higher Prices

    After more than a year of depressed levels, natural gas and crude oil prices are climbing, and some operators are apparently reading that as a call back to the fields. The Texas Railroad Commission, which regulates the state's oil and gas industry, issued 1,004 drilling permits in April, up from 812 in March and 844 in February. San Antonio Express News Greg Jefferson Download Document

Results: 12 Articles found.